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Data on British animal farms submissions to AHVLA. British farms are able to submit samples to AHVLA if cause of death for an animal cannot be determined and private veterinary surgeon decides to submit them, unless there is notifiable disease suspected then such a submission is not required.

This data set contains information about such farms. All submissions from farms are included in this data frame not only carcasses but also blood samples etc.




Data frame with 12,036 rows and 4 columns.


Number of submissions of animal material.


Numerical value equal to logarithm of size of farm.


Numerical value equal to logarithm of distance to nearest AHVLA center.


Factor describing type of activity on farm that animals are used for. Either Dairy or Beef


This data set and its description was provided in publication: Böhning, D., Vidal Diez, A., Lerdsuwansri, R., Viwatwongkasem, C., and Arnold, M. (2013). "A generalization of Chao's estimator for covariate information". Biometrics, 69(4), 1033-1042. doi:10.1111/biom.12082