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A summary method for singleRStaticCountData class


# S3 method for class 'singleRStaticCountData'
  test = c("t", "z"),
  resType = "pearson",
  correlation = FALSE,
  confint = FALSE,



object of singleRStaticCountData class.


type of test for significance of parameters "t" for t-test and "z" for normal approximation of students t distribution, by default "z" is used if there are more than 30 degrees of freedom and "t" is used in other cases.


type of residuals to summarize any value that is allowed in residuals.singleRStaticCountData except for "all" is allowed. By default pearson residuals are used.


logical value indicating whether correlation matrix should be computed from covariance matrix by default FALSE.


logical value indicating whether confidence intervals for regression parameters should be constructed. By default FALSE.


covariance matrix corresponding to regression parameters. It is possible to give cov argument as a function of object. If not specified it will be constructed using vcov.singleRStaticCountData method. (i.e using Cramer-Rao lower bound)


a popSizeEstResults class object. If not specified population size estimation results will be drawn from object. If any post-hoc procedures, such as sandwich covariance matrix estimation or bias reduction, were taken it is possible to include them in population size estimation results by calling redoPopEstimation.


additional optional arguments passed to the following functions:

  • vcov.singleRStaticCountData – if no cov argument was provided.

  • cov – if cov parameter specified at call was a function.

  • confint.singleRStaticCountData – if confint parameter was set to TRUE at function call. In particular it is possible to set confidence level in ....


An object of summarysingleRStaticCountData class containing:

  • call – A call which created object.

  • coefficients – A dataframe with estimated regression coefficients and their summary statistics such as standard error Wald test statistic and p value for Wald test.

  • residuals – A vector of residuals of type specified at call.

  • aic – Akaike's information criterion.

  • bic – Bayesian (Schwarz's) information criterion.

  • iter – Number of iterations taken in fitting regression.

  • logL – Logarithm of likelihood function evaluated at coefficients.

  • deviance – Residual deviance.

  • populationSize – Object with population size estimation results.

  • dfResidual – Residual degrees of freedom.

  • sizeObserved – Size of observed population.

  • correlation – Correlation matrix if correlation parameter was set to TRUE

  • test – Type of statistical test performed.

  • model – Family class object specified in call for object.

  • skew – If bootstrap sample was saved contains estimate of skewness.


Works analogically to summary.glm but includes population size estimation results. If any additional statistics, such as confidence intervals for coefficients or coefficient correlation, are specified they will be printed.