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Read required packages

Read the RLdata500 data from the RecordLinkage package from the dblink Github repository.

df <- read.csv("")
#>    fname_c1 fname_c2 lname_c1 lname_c2    by    bm    bd rec_id ent_id
#>      <char>   <char>   <char>   <char> <int> <int> <int>  <int>  <int>
#> 1:  CARSTEN     <NA>    MEIER     <NA>  1949     7    22      1     34
#> 2:     GERD     <NA>    BAUER     <NA>  1968     7    27      2     51
#> 3:   ROBERT     <NA> HARTMANN     <NA>  1930     4    30      3    115
#> 4:   STEFAN     <NA>    WOLFF     <NA>  1957     9     2      4    189
#> 5:     RALF     <NA>  KRUEGER     <NA>  1966     1    13      5     72
#> 6:  JUERGEN     <NA>   FRANKE     <NA>  1929     7     4      6    142

This dataset contains 500 with 450 entities.

Blocking for deduplication

Now we create a new column that concatenates the information in each row.

df[, id_count :=.N, ent_id] ## how many times given unit occurs
df[, fname_c2:=""]
df[, lname_c2:=""]
df[, bm:=sprintf("%02d", bm)] ## add leading zeros to month
df[, bd:=sprintf("%02d", bd)] ## add leading zeros to month
df[, txt:=tolower(paste0(fname_c1,fname_c2,lname_c1,lname_c2,by,bm,bd))]
#>    fname_c1 fname_c2 lname_c1 lname_c2    by     bm     bd rec_id ent_id
#>      <char>   <char>   <char>   <char> <int> <char> <char>  <int>  <int>
#> 1:  CARSTEN             MEIER           1949     07     22      1     34
#> 2:     GERD             BAUER           1968     07     27      2     51
#> 3:   ROBERT          HARTMANN           1930     04     30      3    115
#> 4:   STEFAN             WOLFF           1957     09     02      4    189
#> 5:     RALF           KRUEGER           1966     01     13      5     72
#> 6:  JUERGEN            FRANKE           1929     07     04      6    142
#>    id_count                    txt
#>       <int>                 <char>
#> 1:        1   carstenmeier19490722
#> 2:        2      gerdbauer19680727
#> 3:        1 roberthartmann19300430
#> 4:        1    stefanwolff19570902
#> 5:        1    ralfkrueger19660113
#> 6:        1  juergenfranke19290704

In the next step we use the newly created column in the blocking function. If we specify verbose, we get information about the progress.

df_blocks <- blocking(x = df$txt, ann = "nnd", verbose = 1, graph = TRUE)
#> ===== creating tokens =====
#> ===== starting search (nnd, x, y: 500, 500, t: 429) =====
#> ===== creating graph =====

Results are as follows:

  • based in rnndescent we have created 156 blocks,
  • it was based on 429 columns (2 character shingles),
  • we have 93 blocks of 2 elements, 38 blocks of 3 elements, …, 3 block of 6 elements.
#> ========================================================
#> Blocking based on the nnd method.
#> Number of blocks: 156.
#> Number of columns used for blocking: 429.
#> Reduction ratio: 0.9952.
#> ========================================================
#> Distribution of the size of the blocks:
#>  2  3  4  5  6 
#> 95 34 18  7  2

Structure of the object is as follows:

  • result - a data.table with identifiers and block IDs,
  • method - the method used,
  • deduplication – whether deduplication was applied,
  • metrics - standard metrics and based on the igraph::compare methods for comparing graphs (here NULL),
  • colnames - column names used for the comparison,
  • graph – an igraph object mainly for visualisation.
#> List of 7
#>  $ result       :Classes 'data.table' and 'data.frame':  255 obs. of  4 variables:
#>   ..- attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr> 
#>  $ method       : chr "nnd"
#>  $ deduplication: logi TRUE
#>  $ metrics      : NULL
#>  $ confusion    : NULL
#>  $ colnames     : chr [1:429] "86" "ap" "av" "bf" ...
#>  $ graph        :Class 'igraph'  hidden list of 10
#>  - attr(*, "class")= chr "blocking"

Plot connections

plot(df_blocks$graph, vertex.size=1, vertex.label = NA)

The resulting data.table has three columns:

  • x – reference dataset (i.e. df) – this may not contain all units of df,
  • y - query (each row of df) – this may not contain all units of df,
  • block – the block ID,
  • dist – distance between objects.
#>        x     y block       dist
#>    <int> <int> <num>      <num>
#> 1:     2    43     4 0.08074528
#> 2:     2   486     4 0.41023219
#> 3:     5   128    24 0.51333570
#> 4:     7    20     1 0.27246720
#> 5:     7    28     1 0.45405132
#> 6:     9   255    64 0.36754447

Create long data.table with information on blocks and units from original dataset.

df_block_melted <- melt(df_blocks$result, id.vars = c("block", "dist"))
df_block_melted_rec_block <- unique(df_block_melted[, .(rec_id=value, block)])
#>    rec_id block
#>     <int> <num>
#> 1:      2     4
#> 2:      5    24
#> 3:      7     1
#> 4:      9    64
#> 5:     10    49
#> 6:     11   107

We add block information to the final dataset.

df[df_block_melted_rec_block, on = "rec_id", block_id := i.block]
#>    fname_c1 fname_c2 lname_c1 lname_c2    by     bm     bd rec_id ent_id
#>      <char>   <char>   <char>   <char> <int> <char> <char>  <int>  <int>
#> 1:  CARSTEN             MEIER           1949     07     22      1     34
#> 2:     GERD             BAUER           1968     07     27      2     51
#> 3:   ROBERT          HARTMANN           1930     04     30      3    115
#> 4:   STEFAN             WOLFF           1957     09     02      4    189
#> 5:     RALF           KRUEGER           1966     01     13      5     72
#> 6:  JUERGEN            FRANKE           1929     07     04      6    142
#>    id_count                    txt block_id
#>       <int>                 <char>    <num>
#> 1:        1   carstenmeier19490722       NA
#> 2:        2      gerdbauer19680727        4
#> 3:        1 roberthartmann19300430       NA
#> 4:        1    stefanwolff19570902       NA
#> 5:        1    ralfkrueger19660113       24
#> 6:        1  juergenfranke19290704       NA

We can check in how many blocks the same entities (ent_id) are observed. In our example, all the same entities are in the same blocks.

df[, .(uniq_blocks = uniqueN(block_id)), .(ent_id)][, .N, uniq_blocks]
#>    uniq_blocks     N
#>          <int> <int>
#> 1:           1   450

We can visualise the distances between units stored in the df_blocks$result data set. Clearly we a mixture of two groups: matches (close to 0) and non-matches (close to 1).

hist(df_blocks$result$dist, xlab = "Distances", ylab = "Frequency", breaks = "fd",
     main = "Distances calculated between units")

Finally, we can visualise the result based on the information whether block contains matches or not.

df_for_density <- copy(df_block_melted[block %in% df$block_id])
df_for_density[, match:= block %in% df[id_count == 2]$block_id]

plot(density(df_for_density[match==FALSE]$dist), col = "blue", xlim = c(0, 0.8), 
     main = "Distribution of distances between\nclusters type (match=red, non-match=blue)")
lines(density(df_for_density[match==TRUE]$dist), col = "red", xlim = c(0, 0.8))